Project Management

Specialized system for project management.

Project Management - Comprehensive overview of projects and tasks

Kabi Projects is a project management system that allows you to take control and fully organize work in your company. Unfinished work and delays are a thing of the past.

Project management allows you in a simple way:

  • Adding an arbitrary number of projects
  • Control over the work of employees
  • Easy task allocation among employees
  • Work planning
  • Setting priority tasks
  • Recording project deadlines

In this way, you will increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Project Management - Comprehensive overview of projects and tasks

Advanced reporting system

The advanced reporting system allows you to closely monitor the progress of the project. At any time, you will know which projects are underway, what work is being done, and who is responsible for execution. In addition, you can check how many working hours have been performed on each project, client, or employee. Reports can also be easily exported

The reporting system is modular, which means it can be customized to the client's wishes

Advanced reporting system

Work organization using a task calendar

All work (in addition to the project) is also recorded on the task calendar. Each user thus basically has their own task calendar. Kabi Projects also allows an overview of colleagues' calendars for easier coordination and work distribution. With the help of the calendar, you can quickly fill your working time and easily reserve a term for activity.

You can easily connect the project calendar:

  • With smartphones
  • With Google or Outlook calendar
Work organization using a task calendar

Gantt chart - milestones

With the help of a Gantt chart or milestones, you will be able to easily show a visual overview of the progress of each project. Before starting a project, set intermediate goals or milestones to which you can attach project tasks. In this way, you will make smarter decisions and redistribute work in case of discrepancy with the planned timeline.

Gantt chart - milestones

Connectivity with the working time recording system

If you want to fully optimize and digitize your company's operations, in addition to the project management system, we recommend using the Kabi registration and working time record system. By using working time records, you will see how much time you, your employees, or your colleagues have spent at the workplace.

Together with the use of the project management system, you will see:

  • How much time you spent on individual projects
  • How much time you spent on individual tasks
  • How much time you spent at the workplace

In this way, you will be able to increase efficiency in your company, as you will be able to plan work more easily, and you will be able to make the most of all available resources.

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Connectivity with the working time recording system

Remote work

All system functionalities are available to you - anywhere and anytime

Kabi Projects is a project management system located in the cloud. This means that you do not need a program or application that needs to be set up on your computer for work. The project management system is accessible anywhere and anytime, which means you are completely independent of the work location and software. That is why Kabi Projects is a great tool for all those who work remotely or from home.

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Remote work